Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Apr 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
Source: 2/28/25 Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of... -
Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
Source: 2/25/25 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is creating a registry for all people who are...
MI: Wyatt’s Law which would create registry for child abuse offenders heads for Michigan Senate approval
Salem man charged for sex offender loitering
“felony loitering”?? 🙄
(That sounds like a Jan. 6th charge.)
All stop, it seem the efforts to remove or reduce registry exsposure in Michigan has come to a complete stop. We had litigation pending, a couple judges in our corner and we are in a stalemate. Tier 1 in Michigan was about to be removed, punishment has been acknowledged to no positive effect. Michigan accepts registry people in the government, yet won’t remove any via legislation. Still waiting for Michigan positive news.
How many of this population are/were people forced to register?
Spike among LA homeless deaths was not driven by COVID: Data (
(Posting from my phone and no website link available)
Maybe there’s hope: In Connecticut, people who were sentenced by judges who made reference to the “superpredator” theory of criminality have had their sentences cut by the state Supreme Court and the Board of Pardon and Paroles, because the sentences were based on “materially false information” due to the rejection of the “superpredator” theory both by the legal world at large and by the originator of the term himself. Right now, our registry punishments continue because judges permitted them to, making reference to the “frightening and high” lie about offender recidivism, which is even scientifically weaker than “superpredator,” as all evidence suggests that majority of people convicted of sex offenses are LESS likely to be arrested for re-offense than nearly every other class of criminal. If judges are prepared to push back on sentences due to “materially false information” underlying the philosophy of sentencing, that’s good news for us.
So unfortunately today I received my notice from the CA DOJ that I will be losing my public exclusion from ML site “no sooner than 30 days” from the date of the letter April, 20 for my 647.6a Misdemeanor. Needless to say I’m devastated.
On the, hopefully brighter side, my petition to get off the Registry becomes available in the middle of May.
If things go well, and I am deemed fit to be removed from the registry Janice says to expect 4-6 months for that to happen.
I assume all the 3rd party sites will pick up my information. I really hope I will be able to get them to take that info down if/when I’m taken off the registry.
I’ll try to look on the bright side of things and focus on the possibility that I’ll at least soon be off the list.
In California, once you complete parole, do they take off GPS? Is it up to each county or is standard on all counties? Appreciate clarification Janice.
KS: Jail deputy registers as sex offender for sex with inmate.
Reason: Law Requiring Sex Offenders to Report All New Online IDs to Government May Well Violate First Amendment
Liked: For example, in reviewing Michigan’s sex offender registration law, the Sixth Circuit observed that “evidence in the record” supported “a finding that offense-based public registration has, at best, no impact on recidivism.”
This is so awful & so sad. 😞
I genuinely wish there were good, effective prevention programs and counseling widely available, so tragic stories like this might be avoided. 😞
“Boy, 14, held on $1 million bail in Lily Peters homicide”
The assailant was apparently the girl’s own brother/stepbrother/ half-brother. 😞
My brain keeps on circling back to California’s constitutional “right to privacy”.
From CA DOJ’s website on Privacy:
I’ve read often in articles that use the phrase “right to be left alone” pertaining to CA’s Right to privacy. But is it applied to protect a constitutional right of a citizen?
You get convicted and you lose your inalienable rights. Post-conviction, one can regain it through the legal system like gun rights.
The registry is the sharing of public information at its heart via statutory scheme. But by law, 1203.4 specifically states the court “shall” 1) set aside your case aside and 2) dismiss the accusation/information against you.
By law, 1203.4 represents the legal pathway to “pursue and obtain privacy”, a right to be left alone. How does PC 290 circumvent this constitutional “right to pursue and obtain privacy”?
It can’t. Why? B/c 1203.4 excludes specific sex crimes within its bill text. Also, by default, only misdemeanors and felony wobblers qualify for 1203.4 relief. Thus, the compelling interest to continue the registry scheme on this set of defendants fails.
Doesn’t the constitutional right supersede all laws such as presence/residency restrictions? Before the tiered registry, laws were passed that made a blanket exclusion of registrants from using 1203.4 from de-registering when there already existed sex crime exclusions. 1203.4 used to de-register registrants automatically, but it did so by classifying in-person reporting as a disability in 1958. The right to privacy was passed in 1974, but it wasn’t used to refute 290.5 or 290.007. Most cases focused on Kelly v Municipal, 1958, but I don’t recall reading any using “right to privacy” as a defense.
In having conflicting laws, 1203.4 is not equally administered to all who successfully complete the probationary program. The law is creating two separate sets of citizens. Why is 290 creating delayed justice for those who qualify for the 1203.4 pathway to privacy? Why is 290 stomping on our constitutional rights?
FBI warns teen boys increasingly targeted in online ‘sextortion’ schemes
“…an increasing number of reports of adults posing as young girls who coerce young boys through social media to produce sexual images and videos and then extort them for money.”
Regardless of the media source here, the topic is of importance and should be read further online through other sources to understand the overall situation. I would put this on par with those younger females who portray themselves as older females to get male’s attention then cause damage.
A Message to Sex offenders from my heart as a ex-sex offender registrant that did 20 years in Boston,Ma.I have been free of the registry for the past two years I have studied all States law for the past 17 years,there is something very bothering with this la and is called reregistering even if you have completed your duty to register if you move to another state,I have reach to various sex offender states and had spoken to them personaly about this and is sad to say that even tho you had completed your duty in your state if you move to another state the anguish of reregestering will start as the first time you was on the register in your actual state,we need to focus on this deeply registrant and fight this,I deeply feel sad about it because i feel our liberty to freedom after completion of registry is violated again in another state just to bash us more into having our families go threw hell again.who can help us thats the question we are pushed back like if we was the monster of this world and we are not,we are humans even tho we committed a sexual act and was convicted of it,we deserve to live without fear of moving to other states reregistering and putting our families at risk with hese harsh laws,they should be able to move and not reregister if they have completed their registry being out of the sex offender registry.I pray on my knees as a christian for changes in this stupid registry,some just dont know how to write law if this is affecting me believe me is affecting thousands.God be with you all
Can someone tell me if the ACSOL fundraiser and the Scholarship fund are the same thing, or are they two different funds?
I applied for a position in the USPS last month, just to see what would happen. Not expecting to be accepted since had felony CP reduced via 17.b. 8 yrs since conviction with no incarceration and 3 yrs unsupervised probation ( which was terminated after 2 yrs ). Tier 1 status.
I received a letter today to schedule an appointment for assignment and training, which I guess means I was accepted. I am not taking the position, since I have a good income and not interested in becoming part of the very government that despises me. But for those of you looking, this might be a path if you have been out long enough and have a lower level offense.
Evidently the federal government is so completely hosed up that they will hire the same people they hate and refuse rights to. Interesting
FL: Pennsylvania Registrant Appeals Law Keeping Him On The FL Registry
Watched a story on MSNBC where a young mother was charged with child abuse due to another woman over reacting in a public park and calling the police because the mother’s child appeared to be alone ( the mother’s friend was watching the child). Then she was reported and charged a second time when she was bathing one child downstairs at her home and her second child went to the front door to when a protective services rep came for a home check.
Her public defender told her to plead guilty to avoid stiffer penalties so she did ( sound familiar?).
This woman was in nursing school and had to drop out due to the stress and all the court appearances scheduled. She now has this unfounded blemish on her name and will likely never be able to get her degree or work in the healthcare field.
My point is that it isn’t just the registrant community that is suffering from massive government over reach and the general public’s over zealous actions to “protect the children”. Completely innocent parents, family members, teachers and caregivers are being swept up by this tide of negative social activism.
I am JD. My wife and I are long time subscribers, and this is my first posting. I am reaching out to the community because I need some guidance and support. I have successfully navigated parole as a “lifer” parolee for three years. In fact, today is my 3 year mark sine my release from the CDCR on April 30, 2019. I was paroled as a convicted second degree murderer. I am also a PC 290 registrant for a misdemeanor PC 647.6(a) crime that occurred more than 32 years ago unrelated to the life crime. This has been attached to the parole conditions as a life term parolee. Since my release from prison three years ago, I have graduated with academic honors from a community college, I work as a case manager for returning men and women, and I will be graduating from a state university on May 23, 2022, also with academic honors. Further, I have been admitted to the University of Southern California (USC) to study for a Masters in Social Work degree starting in August 2022. I am on parole. I am a PC 290 registrant and I too, received a letter from the DOJ regarding being reinstated for placement on the Megans’ Law website on May 22, 2022. So, I am seeking support from the PC 290 community.
First, what is the procedure, if any, to apply for early parole discharge or at minimum, to query if I am able to apply for early parole discharge while on parole as a PC 290 registrant? My life crime is unrelated to my sex offense conviction and is not sex offense related.
Second, is it possible to hire an attorney to file an injunction to stay the “Change in Status” order from the DOJ from implementing the reinstatement of the original exclusion of PC 647.6 (a) offense from being public under Megan’s law?
Third, what is the likelihood of petitioning the court to reconsider the misdemeanor conviction for activating a lifetime PC 290 registration, when at the time of my offense I was a youth offender, and youth offender factors were never considered in the sentencing scheme for a lifetime PC 290 registration?
Four, would I be able to challenge the 32-year old misdemeanor sex offense conviction as being harmful to current considerations of being discharged from a life term of parole?
Any and all help with the above questions is and will be helpful. It is just bananas that I am educating myself to help others navigate through the inequities of being a PC 290 registrant, when I am also bootstrapped with the same stigmas and social disparities.
This is interesting (although I am not sure how much it applies to us Registrants) 🤷🏻♂️:
“You Can Finally Get Your Personal Information Off Google“
I am from TX. I just got pull over by a patrol police for defective brake light. After he checked my driver license on his computer he walked back to my car and asked for my current phone number and emails address. I thought it was odd for him to ask for those information during traffic stop. I did receive a ticket for a none-working brake light.